Wiley Practice Planner FAQs

Treatment Planner modules provide all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop high-quality treatment plans that satisfy the demands of most HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. Every module contains an array of Presenting Problems that are common to the population or approach dealt with by the module. For each of those Presenting Problems there are succinct Symptom Descriptions (Behavioral Definitions), Treatment Goals, Client Objectives, Therapist Interventions, and Suggested Diagnoses. Each module contains more than 1,000 prewritten, clinically-tested treatment options that can be easily adapted to fit a client’s needs or treatment situation.

Twelve of the Treatment Planner modules contain Objectives and Interventions consistent with those found in Evidence-Based Treatments; titles of these modules are marked with this symbol (EBT). Borrowing from the Institute of Medicine’s definition, the American Psychological Association (APA) has defined evidence-based practice as, “the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences” (APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice, 2006). Consistent with this definition, we have identified those psychological treatments with the best available supporting research evidence, added Objectives and Interventions consistent with them for the pertinent presenting problems, and identified these Objectives and Interventions on the screen with this symbol: .

The other 21 Treatment Planner modules contain widely used, best practice interventions created by recognized experts for the specific population or approach covered by the module. All modules have been updated with DSM-5/ICD-10 diagnostic codes. Many of the Interventions in the module series contain suggested homework assignments from one or more of our Homework Planner modules.

Progress Notes Planners provide complete, customizable, prewritten Client Symptom Presentation and Therapist Intervention descriptions for each presenting problem found in the companion Treatment Planner. For each counseling session you may point and click to select brief descriptive statements for how the client presented and how interventions from the treatment plan were implemented. These progress notes are tightly integrated with the client’s unique treatment plan. You may choose the option within TheraScribe to add a brief classic narrative note to the prewritten Progress Planner note. There are Progress Notes Planner modules for

Homework Planners feature behaviorally based client homework assignments that help maximize between-session engagement and client opportunities to implement and evaluate insights or coping behaviors discussed in therapy sessions. Every Presenting Problem dealt with in the companion Treatment Planner is also covered in the Homework Planner. Each problem has 2-4 specifically designed homework exercises you may select, review on screen, modify if you choose to, print, and hand to the client to work on within the session with you or at home before the next session. Most assignments are 1-3 pages and can be completed rather quickly.

1. What content can I expect to find in a Treatment Planner (TP) module?

Each module, just like each hard copy TP book, is organized the exact same way. The contents are focused on common client presenting problems. So you can expect to see problems listed such as Unipolar Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Borderline Personality, Anger Control Problems, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Use, Bipolar Disorder – Manic, Intimate Relationship Conflict, and Social Anxiety, etc. Each Treatment Planner module focuses on a specific type of client: Older Adult, Adult, Adolescent, Child, Addiction, Couples, Family, Military, Women, Severe and Persistent Mentally Ill, Group Therapy, and more (totaling 33 different modules). For each of the modules a new set of presenting problems is listed that reflects that unique client group.

  2. How is the content organized in each module?

The content for each problem is laid out the same way in every module. First, the database lists Behavioral Definitions (or Symptoms) of the Problem. Each client presents with their own constellation of symptoms of the problem and no client has every possible symptom so the clinician must choose which behavioral manifestations of the problem their particular client demonstrates. Next the clinician and the client select Goals to be reached at the end of treatment. These goal statements are broad and not necessarily behaviorally based or measurable. Third, the clinician selects from a list of Objectives that are behaviorally based steps the client must achieve to reach the goal for treatment. Finally, the module lists 1 to 4 Interventions (many of them evidenced based and supported by research as effective) for each Objective. These Interventions are actions that the clinician will take to help the client achieve the Objective. Through pointing and clicking on these four elements of Definitions (or symptoms), Goals, Objectives and Interventions a Treatment Plan can be created and printed out or stored. Most of the Problems found in each of the 33 modules will have a menu of over 40 Interventions to select from, each one tied to a specific client Objective.

3. Who finds this content useful?

We have had testimonials from psychotherapists and counselors across the broad spectrum of experience ranging from students in training, to new graduate counselors, to very seasoned therapists. The less experienced therapists find that they like the structure of the deep menu of treatment plan items from which they can select to create a client’s treatment plan. The more experienced counselors appreciate suggestions for new Objectives and Interventions that they had not considered before. The modules provide new ideas for treatment with many of those designated as Evidence Based Treatment (EBT) alternatives.

4. How long does it take to create a treatment plan using the Practice Planner content?

Once the client’s demographic data has been entered a treatment plan for a primary presenting problem in less than 20 minutes. And because you have such a wide variety of suggestions for Definitions, Goals, Objectives and Interventions to select from you will find that you develop a much more detailed plan than you ever have before when you had to think of every element on your own and write or type them on out from scratch.

  5. How can I be sure that the content of these modules is solid?

You can be confident in the content of these modules because they were developed by seasoned experts in their field and many of the modules contain research-backed Interventions. Dr. Jongsma wrote every module with the leadership of therapists who were well trained in the specific aspect covered by that module (e.g., Addictions, Military, Couples, etc.). Several of the recent editions of the modules have been coauthored by Dr. Tim Bruce, a highly respected psychologist who is an expert in EBT.

What does the term “Golden Thread” refer to in the area of clinical documentation of counseling and psychotherapy?

As described by the Colorado Committee for Quality and Compliance, the Golden Thread is a term that references the tying together of the Assessment, Treatment Plan Goals, Objectives and Interventions, Progress Notes, Outcome Measurement, as well as Treatment Plan Review and Update. Each piece of documentation must flow logically from one to another such that someone reviewing the record can see the logic.

1. The assessment must identify the critical clinical needs of the individual based on their presentation and history. The assessment paints the picture of the individual’s presenting problems, his/her strengths and weaknesses and treatment priorities, as well as his/her motivation and ability to engage in the treatment process.

2. The treatment plan must reflect Goals as well as Objectives and Interventions that address the concerns identified in that assessment. This is done by the development of measurable, attainable goals and objectives that provide the opportunity for the individual to actively focus on the needs reflected in their assessment in a targeted manner. The Interventions implemented by the clinician must be tailored to assisting the client reach the treatment plan’s stated measurable Objectives. The treatment plan must be coherent and cohesive and establish medical necessity.

3. The progress notes must flow from the treatment plan by specifically reflecting progress toward the identified goals and objectives and the individual’s response to treatment Interventions.

4. The progress notes and outcome measurement lead to the treatment plan review and update. As treatment unfolds, issues are resolved based on outcome results or new ones are identified. Those changes should be reflected in the update of the treatment plan which is evidenced in Goals, Objectives and Interventions that would address current treatment needs.

Not paying attention to any single aspect of the treatment documentation process breaks the Golden Thread and disrupts the logical flow of the individual’s treatment. This means that you must be sure to do the following to keep the golden thread intact: address in the treatment plan all critical clinical issues that were identified in the assessment; develop treatment Goals, Objectives, and Interventions that are customized to the individual client based on the assessment of their presenting problems, their treatment priorities, as well as their strengths and weaknesses; document clinical activities in the progress notes that are driven by the specific Goals, Objectives, and Interventions identified in the treatment plan; and update the treatment plan when issues are resolved based on outcome data or new issues are identified.

How does the Treatment Planner content enable keeping the Golden Thread intact?

All of the Treatment Planner modules (or books) were created to help the clinician easily select Presenting Problem Behavioral Definitions (symptoms), broad Goals that describe what the end of treatment will look like, observable client Objectives to describe the steps the client will take to reach the treatment goals selected, Interventions implemented by the clinician that are specifically tailored to help a client reach a specific Objective. Many of the Objectives and Interventions are known to be effective based on research evidence and are noted in our content by the Evidence Based Treatment (EBT) symbol. After the treatment plan is created with the client input, progress notes are written to document the client’s response to the Interventions implemented. If our Progress Notes Planner data is used to create these progress notes through the point and click method then you are assured that the notes are directly related to the symptoms and interventions you have selected for the client's. And finally, when the treatment plan review process is engaged, new problems can be easily added to the treatment plan with the notation of new Symptoms, Goals, Objectives and Interventions. The Golden Thread is kept perfectly intact by using the Treatment Planner and Progress Notes Planner content.

Wiley Practice Planners

Tx Planners Progress Note Planners Homework Planners